Sunflower Honey

Sunflower Honey

Main origin: China, Japan, Argentina, France, Italy, etc.

Camouflage period: summer

Flavor characteristics: rich in pollen, thick taste

The yellow flower petals of the sunflower flower actually only play a decorative role, and the real honey part is the brown disc wrapped by it, and the nectary is in it. The sunflower is golden yellow and has a high viscosity. The fragrance is reminiscent of the taste of old corn and has a strong sweetness. Sunflower seeds can be used for oil extraction, linoleic acid rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which has a preventive effect on arteriosclerosis. Sunflowers have been used in hurricanes, antipyretic and insecticidal materials and are said to be used in the treatment of colds and bronchitis in Eastern Europe. Another feature of sunflower honey is the high pollen content.