Acacia Honey

Acacia Honey

Main origin: China, Japan, France, Hungary, etc.

Camouflage period: early summer

Scent characteristics: sweet and sweet.

We say that the artichokes should be called hedgehogs in the strict sense. They can be seen on both sides of the streets in China, but the artichokes that can be called honey sources are mostly wild. The oxidation in Japan was originally intended to reinforce the introduction of trees from the United States. Generally, during the flowering period from May to June, the flowers are white and purple, and the smell is aromatic, and the flower body can be eaten raw. Amaranth honey is soft, sweet and long-lasting. It is one of Japan’s favorite honey species alongside the Chinese milk vetch, and the natural ripe acacia honey is clear and transparent. Since ancient times, the Chinese artichokes that have been supplemented by medicinal supplements have been described as “antipyretic, have a good regulatory effect on the digestive system, and have a good effect on constipation.”